The buildings have a host of green building features, including passive heating and cooling mechanisms, the use of daylight for lighting, and of course, green roofs. Water Barrels and Storage
NBBJ Architects of Los Angeles, designed the three buildings. NBBJ is a leading designer of green buildings, including their own LEED Gold headquarters.

The Chinatrust Bank headquarters is "...complex comprises three high-rises: a 30-story headquarter building, a 21 story office, and a 10 story hotel. A community-centered retail base will occupy the lower 4 levels, and an open-air central plaza will unite all of the spaces into one cohesive unit." Organic Flowers & Gourmet Gifts
Chinatrust Bank chose the green roof element to help reduce heating and cooling costs, as well as reduce storm water runoff and fine particulate air pollution. Further, the green roofs help to reduce the urban heat island effect. Let's hope that we will see more green roofs in Taiwan!